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What is a bankruptcy discharge?

A bankruptcy discharge under under sec 1328 or sec 727 will permanently eliminate debts when the person filing bankruptcy completes all the requirements for their case. Generally, a discharge will cover things like credit cards, repo fees, foreclosure fees, medical bills, personal loans, bank fees/penalties.

There are however, quite a few items that are NOT included in a bankruptcy discharge under 11 USC 523 that could be surprising. Some of those items include:

  1. Criminal fines and penalties
  2. Child Support/Alimony
  3. Most Taxes
  4. Student Loans
  5. Fraud
  6. Theft
  7. Credit Card Charges within 70 days of filing bankruptcy
  8. Loans taken out with no intention of paying them back
  9. Intentional harm to someone or their property
  10. Debts taken out AFTER filing
  11. Judgments against real estate.